Have your say: Parking increases, office closures and joint working as Cherwell seeks to save £4.3m


Consultation on “very challenging” budget proposals as council seeks to make significant savings

An increase in parking charges, closing LinkPoint offices and providing some joint services with Oxfordshire County Council are amongst the proposals being made by Cherwell District Council as it seeks to save £4.3m in the next financial year.

They Council says that future uncertainties around funding and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic mean Cherwell District Council will for the first time in many years need to make significant savings to budgets over the next two years.

 Cherwell describes its proposals as to how to achieve a workable budget as “very challenging”.   It says it needs to save £4.3m during the 2021/22 with further savings predicted for 2022/23.

Amongst the proposed savings:

  • £187,000 could be saved in the customer service and land charges team by measures including closing LinkPoint offices in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington and providing appointment only services from Bodicote House, increasing land charges by £15 and removing cash and card payment machines at council offices.
  • Increasing the income from parking charges could generate £400,000.
  • Aligning charges for the five council operated public toilets in the district to 20 pence per visit everywhere would generate £15,000.
  • Savings of £365,000 would be made next financial year by providing joint communications, strategy and insight services with Oxfordshire County Council and moving the Cherwell Link residents’ magazine online supported by a limited print circulation.
  • Mechanical sweeping in villages would be carried out annually with an ability to ‘buy in’ additional sweeps. This measure also includes some rescheduling of town centre sweeping. This would save £153,000.
  • Saving £400,000 linked to the costs of the council’s main leisure contract for leisure centres by not adding to the repairs and maintenance schedule, which already has enough funding.
  • Entering into a joint working arrangement between Cherwell District Council’s property, investment and contract management team and counterparts at Oxfordshire County Council to save £304,000. By pooling resources and services, the council would achieve cost savings in buildings maintenance, security and cleaning and other areas of the operation and management.

Councillor Tony Ilott, Cherwell District Council’s Lead Member for Financial Management and Governance, said: “Since 2010, we have been successful in local economic growth and innovation, which has resulted in jobs as well as income for the council. This has meant we have been able to avoid making the savings experienced elsewhere in local government during this time.

“However, alongside all local authorities, we now face a very uncertain funding situation. The government has delayed a spending review that includes a realignment of the distribution of business rates, which is likely to result in less funding for the council. The delay also leads to uncertainty around the New Homes Bonus. Added to this is a loss of income and other impacts on services due to COVID-19 and our population is growing and ageing at one of the fastest rates in our history, which puts more pressure on our budgets and services.”

Councillor Barry Wood, Leader of Cherwell District Council, added: “Protecting those in need will always be our priority. But with continued budget pressures, we will not be able to keep running services at the same level and we will have to continue to find ways to save money while protecting as many frontline services as we can. That is why we have moved services online, where appropriate, and why we are trying to generate more income. However, this year, regrettably, this will not be enough and our savings proposals reflect this.

“Being responsible now and having careful and measured forward planning means we can be a resilient and sustainable council in the future. We are proposing savings of £4.3 million and consulting the public on what we know now. As we move through the winter, the situation may change as our knowledge of financial support available from central government increases. In the meantime, we want to hear people’s views on our proposals to inform our decisions during the budget process.”

The council sets its budget for 2021/22 on 22 February. You can have your say on the budget proposals between 8 December and 8 January by visiting their website.  

We asked Councillor Tony Ilott to explain the savings and why they were needed:

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Mrs Mandy Williams   On   09/12/2020 at 7:41 pm

    2020 has seen enough challenges to last a lifetime. The employment rate has increased with so many places closing down, for every job advertised you’re looking at 100 + people applying and as for the town centre, non existent with the new shopping centre being built and loads of shops closing, and you want to save money by increasing the parking charges? You obviously don’t want the trade, you don’t want people to visit. Why can’t you do what West Oxfordshire do and not charge for parking or are you too greedy to even contemplate this? I have lived and worked within the Cherwell area for 20 years + I dread to think that when I’m gone my poor kids are going to have to pay for this countries debts and they are going to be huge!!

  2. Kevin Hayden   On   10/12/2020 at 3:13 pm

    10% reduction in salaries above £45000pa for all CDC staff/officers/ officials. Expense accounts reduced. Relocate CDC to smaller premises. Staff to pay for parking at new premises. First hour parking rise to £1. 24hr parking charges Friday and Saturday. Pay to park at Gateway Shopping.

  3. Tim Shaw   On   11/12/2020 at 11:10 am

    It is highly likely that non of this would be necessary, if Cherwell council had not borrowed £60-100million to buy and redevelope Banbury’s town centre. Cherwell Council’s decision was bizarre to say the least meaning that it now has a huge ‘white elephant on its hands, and is well placed to go bust!

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