Leisure Centre staff’s quick actions save a life


Team thanked by ambulance service after man suffers cardiac arrest at Spiceball Sports Centre

Quick thinking staff at Spiceball Leisure Centre put their first aid training into action last week after an elderly man suffered a heart attack in the centre’s reception area.   They have now received a letter from the South Central Ambulance Service thanking them for saving the man’s life.

The 75-year-old collapsed in the sports centre’s reception last Tuesday (July 13).   Staff quickly assessed the condition of the man and began chest compressions and delivered shocks via a defibrillator, whilst they waited for the ambulance service to arrive.

A letter from Ross Comett, the Head of Operations in Oxfordshire for South Central Ambulance Service, thanked the sports centre team and noted their actions had made all the difference in the outcome.

Mr Comett said: “Your staff immediately began chest compressions, attached the AED and shocked the patient five times. Once the crew arrived this gentleman had ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) and with the help of HEMS (helicopter emergency medical service) were able to successfully transfer him to the John Radcliffe Hospital.

“The crew say that the incredible [basic life support] provided by your staff undoubtedly saved this gentleman’s life. Once at the hospital he was sat up and talking to the RESUS team. Early [basic life support]/Defibrillation really does save lives!”

Writing on social media a spokesperson for Spiceball Park Sports Centre said: “We couldn’t be more proud of the outstanding teamwork, skill and professionalism shown by the staff at Spiceball this week.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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