COVID Delta (Indian) variant identified in Oxfordshire


Cases increase across the county, but Cherwell District rates are the lowest

The COVID Delta variant, which was previously known as the Indian variant, has been identified in over two dozen new cases reported in Oxfordshire as of last Thursday.   Up to the end of last week new cases in the county almost tripled over the previous seven-day period, rising from 58 in the week to May 21, up to 146 to last Friday.

Case numbers locally remain low with the Cherwell District figure of 8.6 infections per 100,000 people the lowest in Oxfordshire. Last week Cherwell’s figure was 10.6, again a fall from 13.3 the previous week.

Elsewhere in the county infections per 100,000 people stand at 26.2 in Oxford, 28.9 in South Oxfordshire, 27.2 in the Vale of White Horse and 13.6 in West Oxfordshire.

With the figures increasing in some parts of Oxfordshire we are being urged to continue to follow public health guidance.

Ansaf Azhar, Director for Public Health in Oxfordshire, said: “Throughout the country we are seeing cases go up and Oxfordshire is no exception. To some degree it was expected that there would be an increase when lockdown was further eased. However, now that cases are clearly on the rise, it serves as a reminder that the virus is still very much in circulation.

“We have vaccinated significant numbers of people, but by no means all of the population. The new variant of concern that was first identified in India is now present in the county, with over two dozen cases reported as of 27 May. This is being closely monitored as is the overall case rate in the county.

“While we want people to enjoy their new-found freedoms, it is important that they keep themselves and others safe. Make sure you remember the basics – from washing your hands regularly to keeping your distance. And alongside the mantra of ‘hands, face, space’, fresh air is key. So now that summer is here, do take advantage of the warm weather and meet people outdoors where you can. It is indoors where COVID particularly has a field day.

“We continue to urge people to take up the offer of a vaccine when it is made and to regularly get tested through the many options available. Both of those things help counter the spread of the virus.

“With so many people having now been vaccinated, we are making incremental progress against COVID-19. But the virus is constantly evolving – as we can see from the rapid spread of the new variant – plus a significant proportion of people are not yet vaccinated or have only had their first dose. So we all need to continue to be careful.

“I’ve asked people to continue to be cautious and use their common sense so many times over the past 15 months that I am sure people are fed up of hearing it. However, that message applies now every bit as much as it did back in March 2020 when the pandemic first hit.

“Let’s do all we can to keep cases under control. We have more weapons at our disposal now than ever before, but common sense and discipline remain central to combatting the virus. I would ask people to continue to deploy both so that we can keep Oxfordshire open and keep our communities safe.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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