Dangers of hands-free phone when driving highlighted in campaign


“people should not view ‘hands free’ as being a safe alternative”

A national campaign aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of using a mobile phone whilst driving has been launched today.  Thames Valley Police and Hampshire Constabulary Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit will be supporting the campaign, which runs until February 27.

Research shows that using a mobile phone can impair your ability to drive more than if you were driving whilst over the drink drive limit.   It is one of the four factors, alongside drink and drug driving, speeding and not wearing a seatbelt, that can increase your chances of being seriously injured or even killed if involved in a road traffic collision.

Road Safety Sergeant David Hazlett, of the Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit said: “Driving whilst using a mobile device is dangerous and one of the four main contributory causes of fatal collisions.

“Whilst many vehicles now allow drivers to pair their phones and devices, people should not view ‘hands free’ as being a safe alternative.

“Research has shown that you are four times more likely to be involved in a collision and be less likely to notice and react to hazards in time by the distraction that mobile devices cause.

“This includes using ‘hands free’ as your attention is divided between driving and the conversation you will be having so can impact on the quality of your driving. Is it worth answering that call or can it wait?

“Texting, checking emails, scrolling through music and other device functions also distracts the driver and prevents their full attention which is needed for safe driving.

“It’s important to say that the vast majority of drivers don’t break the law but work still needs to be done to change the public’s minds and make mobile phone use in vehicles as socially unacceptable as drink and drug driving.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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