Ox-Cam Arc plans still alive


There is still interest despite some resistance over growth and reports government interest has cooled

by Andy Mitchell, Local Democracy Reporter

Leading councillors from across Oxfordshire were told “there is still government interest” in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc – even if national politicians are less likely to be involved.

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership, a committee involving all six county, district and city councils, heard how the most recent government proposals had not shed any further light on the plans.

When plans for the areas covering Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire were launched, there was said to be “an opportunity, recognised by government and local partners, to build a better economic, social and environmental future… with high-quality, well-connected and sustainable communities making the Arc an even more beautiful place to live, work and visit”.

There was some resistance over the volume of growth, particularly relating to housing numbers, while it has been widely reported that government interest has cooled.

In his update this week, Future Oxfordshire Partnership director Andrew Down said: “Since the last meeting we have seen the publication of the Levelling Up white paper. We had been informally led to believe there would not be anything much on the Arc in that which turned out to be the case.

“The soft indications from civil servants are that there is still government interest in the Arc, the emphasis is probably shifting towards locally-led collaboration rather than some top-down model but we are not clear yet what that locally-led collaboration might look like.

“The Arc leadership group has agreed to continue work for the six-month period while we seek more clarity from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities but also while we get local elections done and dusted and it becomes possible to have some conversations, probably post-election around June time.

“I think, as ever, it is (a case of) watch this space.”

Speculation over the Arc had fuelled a question on the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment (OGNA), a piece of work to inform the county’s plan for 2050 through “an integrated evidence base to help the Oxfordshire councils identify the appropriate level and distributions of housing and employment over the period”.

Suzanne McIvor, on behalf of Need Not Greed Oxfordshire, asked: “As the government has indicated that the Ox-Cam Arc is no longer part of central government policy, will the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment need to be revised to reflect this?”

Michele Mead, leader of West Oxfordshire District Council and chair of the partnership meeting, said: “There has not been a clear indication that the Ox-Cam Arc is no longer part of central government policy.

“In any event, the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment is locally driven in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and therefore does not need to be revised in light of government policy on the Arc.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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