Decision due on application for changes at Dewey Sports Centre


The Bloxham School facility is also used by the wider community

A number of improvements could be coming to the Dewey Sports Centre in Bloxham, if approved by members of Cherwell District Council’s Planning Committee this Thursday.

Bloxham School own the centre.   They want to create front and rear extensions with alterations to introduce 5 netball or tennis courts and an artificial cricket wicket.   Their planning application also includes a replacement long jump pit, along with storage, car parking improvements and renewable energy and sustainability measures.

Bloxham Parish Council has objected to the plans on the basis of an increased level of traffic using the facilities and the impact on the wider locality.

But the majority of responses to the application are from people in support of the plans.   Cherwell’s own Sports and Recreation Team say the proposal would provide improvements evidenced in the latest sports studies, including additional community use of the site.

Officers are recommending the application be accepted.   Councillors will decide on Thursday afternoon.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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