Local News Review of 2023

The big stories that affected our area in 2023
Throughout 2023 the Banbury FM news team reported on the big local stories that affected Banbury, Brackley and the surrounding villages. Our on-air coverage brought Banbury FM’s listeners the local news first, with many exclusive stories hours – even days – ahead of anyone else.
It was a year that brought a seismic shift in the political landscape and stalemate at Cherwell District Council, protests over a ban on wearing skirts at a local school and the shock announcement that JDE was closing its production and research and development operation in Banbury.
We lost the Odeon cinema on the Horsefair, the enforcement of parking rules in a local supermarket car park left shoppers facing fines and the Neighbourhood Policing team continued their ongoing battle against anti-social behaviour.
At the end of the year, month by month, we looked back at the stories that had shaped our area in 2023.
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