Application to build on Sibford Road field in Hook Norton


The village already has two other larger development applications being considered

Another outline planning application has been submitted to build houses in Hook Norton – this time on a farm field off the Sibford Road.

Ashberry Strategic Land want to develop the site north of Bourne Lane with up to 50 new homes, 35 percent of which would be designated as affordable.  Their plans include new areas of public open space with a play area and tree and wildflower planting.   They propose retaining an existing wildlife pond and recreational routes, enhanced with a “Trim-Trail”.

The applicant notes that the site is bordered by new housing on Golding Road.

Representatives from the developers met with Hook Norton Parish Council to discuss their initial ideas last November.   Councillors expressed their concerns about the number of new developments being proposed in the village and noted this was a on land “which floods all year round”.

Leaflets were also distributed to 1,134 people in the village.   Thirty-five of those responded to the developer’s virtual consultation, or gave comments, with 23 noting they were against the proposal and just one in favour.

The public have now until April 17 to comment on the application, with a decision expected in June.

This is the latest application to be submitted for fields on the edges of Hook Norton.   Planners are already considering L&Q Estates proposal to develop land around Hook Norton Sports and Social Club with up to 71 homes.   That is recommended for acceptance at a Planning Committee meeting tomorrow (Thursday).   A decision on Gladman Development’s application to build off Station Road is still pending.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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