Canal and River Trust work to save suffocating fish in Banbury canal

Oxygen levels in the water have fallen due to Monday’s storm after a long hot period
A team from the Canal and River Trust has been in Banbury today to investigate reports of dead fish in the Oxford Canal through the town. Fish have also been seen gasping for air by the lock near to the Mill Arts Centre and in the stretch past Tooley’s Boat Yard.
The issue was first reported last night by concerned local people.
Chantal Dave is Environmental Scientist with the Canal and River Trust. She told Banbury FM the heavy storm rain that hit the area yesterday, after several weeks of warm and dry weather, was to blame.
Chantal said: “During the period when it was completely dry a lot of pollutants and dirt accumulated in drains. When you get a certain influx of water it flushes it all out suddenly. This puts high concentrations of pollutants and chemicals into our waterways.
“This reacts with the oxygen in the water, taking the oxygen out and reducing the oxygen levels in the water. This effectively suffocates the fish. “

The situation is alarming for those witnessing the fish in distress, but not uncommon.
Chantal said: “It’s actually very common in weather events like this where you get long periods of dry weather and then sudden rain.
“This is happening in many places around the country today. The Canal and River Trust looks after waterways all over the country. I’ve been talking to my colleagues who are dealing with many of these incidents all over our network.”
Many of the fish in the water are still struggling to breathe, which can be seen when the fish swim close to the surface and gasp for air.
Chantal said: “We can see some gasping fish in distress because they’re struggling to breathe, so we’re going to try and source some aerators. Unfortunately we are having trouble locating any as they are being used in other parts of the country, but we are trying our hardest.
“These take air from around us and put it into the water and increases the oxygen levels so the fish can breathe.”
Published: by the Banbury FM News Team
Neil scott On 17/06/2023 at 12:14 pm
rubbish this is a chemical leak and still dead fish floating on top after 5days,nothing is being done by the canal Trust to get rid of the dead fish,it stinks
Nici B On 17/06/2023 at 5:09 pm
I agree; it’s bad enough that it happened but why hasn’t CRT responded and removed the dead fish?
Neil On 19/05/2024 at 9:13 am
and now there’s a water problem with people suffering ill health 2024