Cherwell labour leader calls for united local stance on energy crisis


Councillor Sean Woodcock urges Council Leader Barry Wood to work with him to draw up local plans

The leader of the Labour Group at Cherwell District Council has written to the Conservative Leader of the Council asking for his support in a call for local action on the energy crisis.

In the letter from Sean Woodcock to Barry Wood, Councillor Woodcock says that the things the council can do to improve the situation may be limited, but there are still some options available.

He reflects on the cross-party decision the Council took in July to declare a food poverty emergency and asks Councillor Wood to now support his call for local action on the energy crisis.

Steps Councillor Woodcock suggests include asking council officers to draw up plans to open up suitable council buildings as ‘warm spaces’ for people in need of shelter from the cold.   He also suggests cross-party talks on what the council can do, including the possible use of its reserves.

It is also proposed that Councillor Wood lobbies the government for more support for local authorities to provide assistance to families in need.

In the letter Councillor Woodcock urges action now   He says: “The ongoing contest for leadership of the Conservative Party means it is not yet clear what your party is offering. But this cost of living crisis is unsustainable so some sort of action is needed now.”

Yesterday the Office for National Statistics confirmed that in June the rate of inflation hit 10.1% – the highest level for 40 years.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Ian Middleton   On   19/08/2022 at 7:25 pm

    Interesting that Cllr Woodcock is now calling for this from the Cherwell leadership when he and his Labour group said virtually nothing to support similar calls from the Green/Libdem/Independent group as part of a motion calling for help to tackle the cost of living crisis brought to the last full council meeting.

    That motion was dumbed down by the Tories who brought an amendment which removed calls for better protection for hard-pressed residents, including rural residents over things like the energy cap which doesn’t apply to people on solid fuels, bottled gas or oil. The Conservatives took all that out and simply inserted text that patted the Tory government on the back for providing £150 rebate on fuel bills which won’t touch the sides for most people.

    When it came to the vote on that amendment the Labour group all abstained thereby giving it tacit support. So slightly odd that Sean now claims that this is “his” call for action. Maybe next time they’d be better off working co-operatively with other like-minded parties and supporting such calls where they count, in the council chamber.

  2. Nick Cotter   On   19/08/2022 at 11:27 pm

    Cllr Middleton is 100 % correct in his recollection of the Full Council Meeting held at Cherwell District Council the other month. Time for Cllr Woodcock and his Group to work with our group – the official opposition on CDC to hold the council and indeed the Conservative Govt to account…Sean join us in a sensible and pragmatic approach to such Issues within the council chamber ..Cllr Nick Cotter Progressive Oxfordshire Group CDC

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