Consultation begins on library and heritage service


Strategy aims to promote digital inclusion and increase access to programmes to improve health and wellbeing

It’s a long time since a library was simply a place where you went to get a book.   Now they are safe and welcoming spaces, offering different access routes to information and providing opportunities for creativity and enjoyment.

As Oxfordshire County Council looks at its strategy for delivering the library and heritage service up to 2027, a new consultation has begun to get our views on their ideas.

The strategy aims to promote digital inclusion and increase access to programmes and activities that help improve people’s health and wellbeing.

Councillor Neil Fawcett, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Services and Safety, said: “Public libraries and heritage services are vital community hubs, which provide a wide range of services and facilities for people of all ages. We really want to ensure that these services properly reflect the needs of our growing population and we hope that this strategy will provide the foundations to make this happen.

“We asked residents last year about the future of library and heritage services and have drafted a strategy based on the feedback we received. Now, we want to check back in with everyone before we finalise plans.

“We want to ensure that the future service delivers the kind of offer and the range of creative, inspiring and inclusive places that residents need.”

The consultation began yesterday and runs until March 18.   You can take part here.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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