Cropredy villager awarded British Empire Medal for services to the community


Margaret Boscott has served as a parish councillor, set up village organisations and been the local Cropredy Festival ticket seller

A Cropredy villager who has given years of service to her local community has been awarded an honour in King Charles’ Birthday Honours List.

Margaret Boscott was named as the recipient of a British Empire Medal on Saturday.

Eighty-seven-year-old Margaret only retired from her role as a Parish Councillor last year, having served for 50 years.   She is well known in the village for her association with a number of organisations, her fund-raising knitted creations and her work selling tickets for the annual Cropredy Festival.

As the news of her BEM British Empire Medal was announced Margaret told Banbury FM: “I found out six weeks ago, but I wasn’t allowed to say anything until today.   I’m really pleased.

“I’ve done Fairport tickets since 1977.    I’m involved with the Knit and Natter group and I’ve done no end of knitting for that, which has all gone to charity.   Also I knit for the surgery and they sell it for Katharine House – they’ve made quite a lot of money.”

Margaret was responsible for setting up both Cropredy’s Bowling Club and FIRS (Over 60s) group, running one for 19 years and the other for 30.  She was, for a number of years, the first point of contact for the village hall and remains actively involved with Cropredy Chapel and is a trustee of the Cropredy Welfare Trust.

On her invitation to collect her BEM British Empire Medal Margaret said “it will be lovely”.   She now awaits details of that royal appointment in the next few days.

Amongst those congratulating Margaret was Cropredy Parish Council Chair Tania Johnson.   She said: “Margaret has served the village of Cropredy for so many years as a Parish Councillor.   Her amazing memory for people and events has never diminished. 

“She has run the sale of Fairport tickets given by the organisers to Cropredy from the beginning and will be doing the same this year.   The village of Cropredy are so grateful for Margaret’s  time and hard work she has given freely.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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