Face mask wearing rules change at the Horton


The move is a step towards living with COVID whilst protecting patients and staff

The rules for wearing masks in the Horton General have changed.

Under new NHS guidance it is no longer a requirement to wear a mask in some areas of the hospital, but Oxford University Hospitals Trust is encouraging people to continue to do so.

The rules say people must still wear a mask if they have COVID symptoms, or have tested positive for the virus, if they have symptoms of a respiratory illness, or in areas where more vulnerable patients are being treated, such as Oncology and Haematology.

Visitors are being encouraged to wear masks in the Emergency and Outpatient Departments.

Professor Meghana Pandit, Chief Medical Officer at the Trust, said: “We will keep this updated guidance under review.  This is just one step towards learning to live with COVID-19 – however we still have a duty of care to our patients and staff and so will keep a watchful eye.

“We will continue to support our patients and their visitors to wear face masks in all areas of our hospitals if that is their preference, and mask dispensers will remain in place in the various entrances to our hospitals.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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