Final hustings event to take place in St Mary’s Church


This is the final public event in the Banbury constituency before polling day next Thursday

The final Banbury constituency hustings event before the General Election will be held at St Mary’s Church in town this evening.   The Reverend Serena Tajima will chair the meeting.

Six of the eight candidates have confirmed they will be attending.

The event offers local voters a chance to hear from the candidates who are hoping to secure their votes next Thursday.

Its been organised by Banbury Acting Together – a network of community groups in the town.   In advance of the meeting they’ve already received a number of suggested questions.   Anyone attending this evening can hand in the points they would like raised in writing upon arrival at St Mary’s.

Jim Smith, Chair of Banbury Community Action Group, said: “We are delighted that we can help run a hustings in Banbury, for all residents of the constituency, so everyone can hear from the candidates.  I think the work of our democracy is essential, we thank all the candidates for putting themselves forward, and hope whoever is elected will remember what we discussed on this night in Banbury.”

Maria Huff, the coordinator from Banbury Acting Together, said: “Its great that St Mary’s Church is our venue for our hustings so lots of people can come – we are really hoping that people in Banbury and the wider constituency can find out what their local candidates are like, and how they would represent us if elected as our MP.”

The doors open at 6.45pm with the event commencing at 7pm.   Two candidates, Sean Woodcock (Labour) and Declan Soper (Social Democratic Party) are unable to attend.

A live stream of the event will be available on the Banbury Community Action Group Facebook page.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Fiona   On   28/06/2024 at 4:09 pm

    What a huge shame Sean Woodcock isn’t attending especially as there seems to be a real chance he might be elected. What does that say about his willingness to meet his prospective constituents?

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