Five candidates quizzed by business leaders at breakfast meeting


A range of questions were asked during the session at Bloxham Mill

Five of the General Election Banbury constituency candidates attended a special Banbury Business Breakfast Club meeting at the Bloxham Mill this morning.

Taking questions from around sixty of the area’s business leaders were Arron Baker (Green Party), Cassie Bellingham (Independent), Chris Nevile (Climate Party), Victoria Prentis (Conservative Party) and Sean Woodcock (Labour Party).

The meeting was chaired by Shaun Jardine and those present took the opportunity to question the candidates on issues such as support for small and micro-businesses – including those working from home, proportional representation and whether voting should be compulsory.

Views were also expressed on prompting family values and Labour’s policy of charging VAT on private school fees.

Watching the discussion with his parents was twelve-year-old Lex Proger.

“Yesterday I had a mini general election in my school,” said Lex.   “I found it quite interesting.”

Labour is proposing reducing the voting age to sixteen, but Lex thinks politicians would need to do more to engage young people to encourage them to vote.   He said: “It would depend on most of the policies of most of the parties, because if they just had policies on nothing based on younger kids, then I don’t think they would vote.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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