Fix imminent for Bretch Hill CCTV camera


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Following pressure from local councillors the surveillance system could soon be operational again

Work to fix a broken CCTV camera in an area of Banbury which has been affected by anti-social behaviour is progressing and its hoped it will be fully operational again very soon – maybe even in the next couple of weeks.  

It has been a number of years since the camera at the junction of Edmunds Road and Bretch Hill last worked.   Residents aired their concerns at a Community Forum in June this year and local Councillors have been pushing for the equipment, which is close to the Bradley Arcade shops, to be fixed.

At a full meeting of Cherwell District Council on Monday Labour Councillor Amanda Watkins pressed Conservative Council Leader Barry Wood for a date when the camera would once again be operational.

She said: “We’ve been led to understand that due to ICT issues, the CCTV camera at Edmunds Road is still not operational and will not be so in time for Christmas.   We appreciate that a lot of work has already been carried out by contractors to date, but would really like to know when this work is finally going to be completed.”

Councillor Wood responded saying that there was one remaining ICT issue needing to be addressed at the Thames Valley Police control room.

He said: “We have been advised by [Thames Valley Police] colleagues this has been raised for action by their internal ICT team and we are expecting the camera at Edmunds Road to be fully reinstated within the next fortnight.”

However, Thames Valley Police didn’t echo Councillor Wood’s optimism for a completion date with the next couple of weeks.   A spokesperson told Banbury FM they were working with Cherwell District Council and other partners to reach a resolution to what appears to be a temporary issue, although at this time, they were unable to confirm specific timeframes.

Councillor Watkins Labour colleague Mark Cherry has previously written to the Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley, Matthew Barber, over the issue.  The Commissioner is due to attend a meeting with Councillors at Cherwell in January.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Mr John Healey   On   21/12/2023 at 3:24 pm

    Good,now get some DOG BINS put up along bretch hill,from bradley arcade and down towards mascord road,
    I’ve sent photos where some culprit and left its calling card right out my gate,with some large notices put up to warn the dog owners that if they are responsible a huge fine will be given.,

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