Footpath crossing point on A43 closed


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Insurers felt there was a severe risk to walkers

A small section of a footpath that crosses the A43 to the south of Brackley has been closed due to the dangers of crossing the busy dual carriageway.   Brackley Town Council have acted to close the crossing following advice from their insurers.

The footpath either side of the A43 remains open.

The route, used by walkers, leads from Herrieffs Farm Lane to the bypass.   On the opposite side of the A43 it leads to Turweston Hill Farm.

A spokesperson for the Council said: “We have received information from our insurance company that encouraging pedestrians to cross a dual carriageway which has a 70 mph speed limit without warning signs for either drivers or walkers, poses a severe risk to walkers and places the council at risk if a claim is made against us.

“National Highways will not place ‘pedestrian crossing’ boards on that stretch of road.

“Therefore, in order to protect members of the public and ourselves, the crossing points at the A43 have been closed.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Louise hall   On   03/09/2022 at 4:53 am

    How ridiculous. Has there actually been any accident here? No. The insurance companyd should be fixing all the potholes not shutting off walked routs

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