Former patient organises fund raising thank-you for Horton’s Brodey Cancer Centre


“I can’t thank the staff at Brodey Cancer Centre enough for the amazing care they provided throughout my treatment”

A former patient at the Horton General Hospital’s Brodey Cancer Centre has made a donation of over £1,000 to the hospital charity as a “thank you” after she successfully completed her breast cancer treatment there.

Kelly Hewitt was diagnosed with breast cancer in May last year.   After undergoing a successful mastectomy, she chose the Brodey Centre for her eight chemotherapy sessions.   The exceptional care she received left a lasting impact, prompting her to express her gratitude by organising a fundraising campaign.

With her friend Louise, husband Matt, and her three children, Kelly raised £1,017 through initiatives such as an afternoon tea and selling football scratch cards. Her children, Chloe, Kai, and Kasper, sold toys and crafted 80 origami hearts.

Kelly said: “We tend to fundraise for number of causes in our family and we usually do that though a sponsored run or walk. As that was not possible this time because of my health condition, my friend Louise organised an afternoon tea event, that included a raffle and raised £1,000 from it – half of that amount went to the Breast Cancer Now charity, and the other half went to Horton General Hospital Charity in support of the Brodey Cancer Centre.

“We also distributed gifts to the staff and other patients in the centre to bring some festive cheer around Christmas.”

Kelly highlighted the compassionate care provided by the centre’s staff and praised their dedication not only to the physical wellbeing of patients but also for their emotional support.

She said: “The staff make you feel like a person rather than a patient or number. Along with the physical check, they check in on how the patients are doing mentally. They chat with everyone and make it interpersonal.

“I can’t thank the staff at Brodey Cancer Centre enough for the amazing care they provided throughout my treatment. Some weeks I even looked forward to going for my treatment and seeing them.

“They are hardworking and kind people. Their compassion and passion to provide great care made one of the hardest times in my life significantly easier to sail through. As much as I am relieved to be treated, it is bittersweet not being able to go in the centre weekly to catch up with the friends I made there.”

Lisa Aston, Ward Manager at Brodey Cancer Centre, said: “Kelly’s fantastic donation will help the Brodey Cancer Centre in many ways. There is always a need to replace patient chairs, tables, mugs, cups and other utilities due to wear and tear. We could not do this without the generosity, kindness, and hard work Kelly and other patients and relatives who have donated here, have shown to us.

“Although Kelly was going through her own treatment, she never let it get her down. On her treatment day, she would always come in with a big smile and a happy disposition making friends with other patients who attended when she did – the laughter and chat that emanated from the room on those days was infectious and brought smiles to everyone. 

“That’s not easy to do when you are on your own journey, but it shows the remarkable woman Kelly is. We are grateful for her donations and wish her the very best.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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