Holes need to be dug to reach pockets of water in gas pipes


Compensation of £70 per day will be paid to affected homes

We’re into a fourth day without gas for a number of properties on the Hardwick estate in Banbury after water from a Thames Water burst main entered gas supply pipes on Saturday.  

Southern Gas Networks are still removing the flood water from their network and are using specialist camera equipment to locate pockets in the system.   This will require holes to be dug in roads and footpaths to reach more of the pipes.

No supplies can be reconnected until all the water has gone.  

Compensation of £70 will be paid to each household for every complete 24-hour period they have been with a gas supply.   This will be paid by each customer’s supplier and will appear as a credit on bills.

Southern Gas Networks has a Customer Service Team based at the Ruscote Community Centre and anyone who has a question can pop in there.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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