Homes in Deddington set to be approved despite health centre concerns


The land was earmarked in the village neighbourhood plan

Up to 90 new homes on land in Deddington looks set to be given the go-ahead tomorrow night, despite the village’s health centre objecting saying they can’t cope with the additional patients.

The land to the east of the Oxford Road and north of Earls Lane was earmarked for development in the village’s Neighbourhood Plan, which was approved in a referendum in May.

Wellbeck Land are proposing building up to 90 dwellings including affordable homes, a new children’s nursery and a car park on Earls Lane which could be used by the surgery.

The outline application was first submitted last July and Deddington Parish Council initially objected to the application saying it had been submitted by the developer prematurely.   They have subsequently reversed that decision and now support the application.

In Deddington Health Centre’s response they note the practise has almost doubled patient numbers since it was built and has undergone several refurbishments to utilise every possible space available to them.

They said: “We have recently had to close our list to new patients although due to NHS England demand we have had to re-open despite nothing changing in our resources. Any further increases in our patient numbers places significant risk on our ability to deliver services to our current patient population.”

The response continues: “The ideal solution would be for a new Practice to be built within the area but this does not seem to be an option for NHS England or developers, the very developers who continue to build more housing without consideration of the impact on an already fragile Primary Care service and the pressures this places on employees and current patients.”

A report by the Council’s planning officer is recommending outline planning permission be granted, but does not refer to the Health Centre’s concerns.   The application will be discussed by the Planning Committee tomorrow (Thursday).

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Jen Cox   On   10/07/2024 at 12:48 pm

    Can you make it a condition that the developers build a health centre before they are given permission for the houses. Our health centre is a breaking point now.

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