Local reaction to TV Leaders’ Debate


pic: Jonathan Hordle/ITV

The two main parties have continued to argue over tax claims

Members of local political parties have taken to social media today in the wake of last night’s General Election Leaders debate on ITV.

Labour’s candidate for Banbury wasn’t happy with the statement Rishi Sunak made about Labour increasing the amount of taxes people would pay.   Sean Woodcock said: “Last night Rishi Sunak lied to the British people.”

He shared a letter which BBC journalist Henry Zeffman had obtained from the chief Treasury civil servant which said that the accusations levelled against Keir Starmer by Rishi Sunak that Labour would put up people’s taxes by £2,000 “should not be presented as having been produced by the civil service”.   During the debate Mr Sunak said independent Treasury officials had costed Labour’s policies.

Later Mr Woodcock went further, posting a message saying: “Rishi Sunak lied to you about partygate.   His election campaign is built on lies.   He lied on NHS waiting lists. Small boats. The cost of living.   You just can’t trust him.”

The Conservatives have continued to promote the Labour tax burden message.   Victoria Prentis, who is hoping to regain the Banbury constituency for the Conservatives said: “Tonight’s ITV Debate could not have been more clear.   Rishi Sunak has a plan that is working and will take bold decisions to deliver a secure future for our country.    The only answer Keir Starmer has is to put up our taxes.”

Other members of Mrs Prentis’ party were pleased with their leader’s performance.   Eddie Reeves, who leads the Conservatives at Cherwell District Council, said: “It’s clear. Rishi won the debate.”   He shared a graphic of a YouGov poll in which 51 percent of people said the Conservative Leader had come out on top.

Whilst not commenting directly on the argument, Liberal Democrat candidate Liz Adams said: “[Our] strategy for fair taxes: Reverse Tory tax cuts for big banks, introduce a one-off windfall tax on oil and gas profits, investing in HMRC to tackle tax evasion and avoidance.”

Green Party candidate Arron Baker posted generally on the prime minister’s performance during the debate.   He said: “The arrogance of Rishi Sunak is unbelievable.  Feels like it’s the first time he’s had to actually faced challenge outside parliament. Conservatives have to go.”

Independent candidate Cassi Bellingham did not comment on the TV debate but has today posted a video decrying both of the main parties for their lack-lustre positions on protecting the NHS.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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