Roadworks causing delays for drivers leaving Banbury Cross Retail Park

Work is scheduled to be completed by the end of Wednesday
A lane closure due to roadworks is causing problems for Banbury drivers trying to leave Tesco and the Banbury Cross Retail Park.
Thames Water began the planned work this morning on the eastbound carriageway of Ruscote Avenue at the Southam Road roundabout. With all traffic having to file down into a single lane long queues have built leaving the retail park, with drivers having to merge into traffic already on Ruscote Avenue.
Some social media users have reported very long delays trying to leave the Tesco car park.
The work on the A422 is scheduled to take up to three days, with completion due by the end of Wednesday.
Published: by the Banbury FM News Team
Kevin On 15/01/2024 at 7:03 pm
It’s a complete shambles, temporary traffic lights should have been installed to allow the retail park traffic the opportunity to leave; it was taking up to two hours for some drivers to exit! Also, it’s high time that the council allowed Tesco to install another exit; the councils reasoning not to allow one was because of the busy main road; well that didn’t stop them allowing the introduction of Waitrose, just a little further down the same road!