Xmas Elf saves the day in the Artery’s festive advert


Forget the big budget Christmas adverts – this local offering is our favourite

One of the telling signs that the festive season is looming is the arrival of the Christmas adverts.   So far we have seen this year’s offerings from major retailers such as John Lewis, Aldi, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s.

Now a local business has released their Christmas advert for 2020 and its one of our favourites.

The festive offering from The Artery Art Shop in Parson’s Street starts with owner Barry Whitehouse concerned about all the art supplies on his shelves that people can’t see because of lockdown.   Barry worries about how to get the supplies to people who need them and in a downbeat manner says: “We need help.   This is hopeless.”

Unbeknown to Barry whilst he has been talking a Christmas Elf has been listening.   As Barry turns the lights off and heads home the Elf sets to work.

Through the night the Elf catalogues the Artery supplies, including all their Christmas Gift packs. and creates an online shop.

The next morning Barry arrives back at work and is shocked to discover hundreds of orders have come in overnight.   With a big grin he exclaims: “We’ve got an online shop!   Full of all the stock we’ve got downstairs.

“Christmas is saved!”

The advert is backed by a seasonal tune from Barry’s alter-ego Beau Norton.

Barry told Banbury FM: “We have done this for at least four years. Obviously inspired by how popular the John Lewis adverts are gave me the idea to try and do a low budget advert for independent shops.”

You can watch the Artery Shop Christmas advert here.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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