Happy Chinese New Year


Muted celebrations due to the pandemic as the year of the Ox begins

Today is Chinese New Year and the start of the year Of The Ox.  The sign Ox occupies the second position in the Chinese Zodiac.

New Year is the biggest celebration of the Chinese Calendar with family gatherings a big focus of the day. 

James Duong, the owner of Paw Paw Chinese restaurant told us: “Families meet up, have lots of food, see our friends and family – family gatherings is at the core of it all.”

Due to the pandemic today’s celebrations will be more low key for many members of the Chinese community in the Banbury FM area.   James said: “This year is a little bit different because people aren’t able to travel so they aren’t celebrating in the same spirit as they have in previous years.”

In China many young people work in the cities and would normally travel back to their villages for New Year.   Here in the UK, meeting with your family remains an important part of the day but one that isn’t practical this year.   This year James will be speaking to his mother via a Zoom call.  

He will also spend the evening working at Paw Paw.   James said: “I have said thank you to all the staff and wished them a happy new year.

“We tend to give a HongBao, a red envelope which is like a lucky envelope.   Its traditional to give them to wish a happy New Year and good luck.   They tend to have a little bit of money in them.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. james   On   13/02/2021 at 8:36 am

    thank you to all our loyal customers, we were delighted so many customers came for their take away as a way of showing solidarity and supports, we are humbled and touched by the many thousands of well wishes, in person, online and by phone kung he fat choi xx

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