Mental Health Awareness focus at college


Students and staff taking part in activities based on this year’s nature theme

Staff and students at Banbury and Bicester College are taking part in a number of activities and initiatives as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

The college is part of the Activate Learning group encompassing seven campuses.   Activate Learning say they take student mental health extremely seriously, especially over the past year which has seen many young people isolated and learning in a virtual capacity. 

Within this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme of ‘nature’, students are being offered access to resources and activities which reflect this.   Activities include walk and talk sessions, fresh fruit and sunflower seed giveaways and mental health focused tutorial sessions.

An Environmental Club is being launched, giving students the opportunity to design and maintain a student garden or talk about how they can make more sustainable choices. 

Green spaces have been allocated where students are encouraged to get their hands dirty to help create a calm environment to sit quietly, enjoy nature and enjoy their breaks. 

The National Citizen Service (NCS) will also be present during the week promoting and encouraging young people to get involved with their exciting summer youth programme.

Sally Dicketts, Chief Executive of Activate Learning, said: “We have always encouraged everyone at Activate Learning to talk openly about their mental health and recognise how important it is for people to feel comfortable to do this. 

“The past year has been difficult for staff and students alike. Many of our learners will have experienced emotional, as well as social, isolation and so it’s important that we take the opportunity to use this week to reflect on how we have all managed these changes in our mental health, and ensure we always have those important, honest conversations to gain support and kindness from others.”  

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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