Banbury peace vigil


Banbury’s Mayor prays for peace, but calls out Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

A peace vigil took place in Banbury Market Place on Sunday evening to think about all those affected by conflicts around the world.   The multi-faith event was organised in the wake of the situation in Israel and Gaza.

The event had been organised in just a few days by members of the Banbury Interfaith Network.

Banbury Town Mayor Councillor Fiaz Ahmed is part of the group.  He was pleased with the turnout for the event, which was about peace.   

He said: “It’s lovely to see all the community come out.”

“It’s about remembering the people of Palestine and all over the world, wherever they may be – Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, anywhere – but especially in Gaza at the minute with what the situation is there.  

“It’s hurting everybody and that’s the whole idea of coming here with the candles and remembering the people.   It’s in their remembrance.”

The mayor of Chipping Norton was amongst a group who had come to Banbury for the event.  A number of different faiths were represented.

A couple of Palestinian flags were held up by those wishing to highlight the situation the people of Gaza are facing.

Councillor Ahmed hopes people will pray for all those affected by the conflict.  He said: “God listens to our prayers and may peace be upon the people of Gaza at the minute.”

The official government position on the war is not something Banbury’s Mayor agrees with.   Although a Conservative himself, Councillor Ahmed feels he cannot support the current government position.

He said: “I have to say it as it is – Mr Rishi Sunak and the government – [the Conservatives] which I am a part of.   If I just carry on saying ‘yes, Sir, yes Sir’, it’s not good enough.   

“So I have to say that our government needs to stand up and abide by International Laws and the Geneva Convention.   That’s very, very important, abide by the law at least.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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