D-Day 80th anniversary in Banbury


Sir Tony Baldry spoke on the importance of future generations knowing what happened back in 1944

The Union Flag and 80th anniversary D-Day flag are both flying over Banbury Town Hall.   The flags were raised during a service outside the building shortly before lunchtime today (Thursday).

Local school children, students and members of the public joined invited dignitaries, members of the Royal British Legion, armed forces and emergency services to remember those who took part in one of the pivotal operations of the second world war.

Deputy Town Mayor Kieron Mallon opened the service, with the Reverend Serena Tajima and the Reverend Sarah Cotterill from St Mary’s Church leading the prayers.

Standards were lowered as buglers played the Last Post, with a normally bustling Banbury then falling silent for 2 minutes of remembrance.

RAF Association Banbury Chairman Chris Adams read the poem ‘Normandy’ by D-Day veteran Cyril Crain.

Then Sir Tony Baldry, in his role as Deputy Lieutenant for Oxfordshire, thanked people for attending and spoke of the men and women who back in 1944 were part of the largest invasion force ever assembled.

He said: “If we are to be true to the memory of the many thousands who lost their lives opposing tyranny in Europe, hundreds of whose names are on the war memorial in Saint Mary’s Church and on war memorials around the villages surrounding Banbury, we must surely do everything that we can to ensure that new generations not only know what happened on D-Day, but that they understand its significance to then – and its significance in our lives today.”

Either side of the service entertainment was provided with music from the 1940s, performed by Beau Norton.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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