Hill View pupils buzzing after Santa arrives by helicopter


The day created lasting memories for children and adults as term draws to a close

When the fire alarm sounded at Hill View Primary School yesterday (Tuesday) the pupils may have expected to see a big red fire engine arrive – but they got the surprise of their lives when a man in a big red suit turned up in a helicopter!

The youngsters cheered and waved when they realised Father Christmas was landing in their school field, accompanied by his elves.

Just a few staff at the school were in on the plan, which had been hatched over twelve months ago by the school’s Executive Head Claire Ferens, with help from Volare Aviation.  

Initially staff and pupils thought they were taking part in a drill when the fire alarm sounded.   Pupils correctly filed out of the school to their assembly point on their MUGA (multi-use games area).   Whilst they waited for the alarm to be reset so they could return inside the noise of a helicopter grabbed the children’s attention.

Excitement grew as the helicopter appeared to be landing, with even greater anticipation when the youngsters realised Father Christmas was on board and landing on their school field.

After landing Father Christmas and his elves met the children and handed over a sack full of presents, one for each class.

Head of School Rebecca Rorich told Banbury FM the children were very excited when they realised what was happening.   She said: “They were absolutely buzzing.  One of the children said to me ‘this has never happened to me before’ and I agreed: ‘It’s never happened to me before either’!

“The helicopter was the icing on the cake.   For some they’ve never seen one, especially that close.   To see it approach the field while we were stood on the MUGA and the realisation that it was landing on the field right in front of them.   The noise was just incredible.”

Today is the last day of term at Hill View and the events of yesterday have made it a perfect start to the holidays.   Rebecca added: “It was quite an emotional day, a lot of tears from children and adults – as many of the adults were very surprised as well because it was top secret.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Anna Jakes   On   20/12/2023 at 6:46 pm

    this was wonderful to see. my little grandson who is a reception student of Hill view absolutely loved this. I’m sure that in years to come, students that were at Hill View at this time will have alot of special memories

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