Local Plan consultation closes on Friday


When agreed the plan will guide how our area develops up to 2040

There’s just three days left to have your say on the proposals for a new Local Plan for the Cherwell District.   The six-week consultation period finishes this Friday.

When finalised the Cherwell Local Plan will outline objectives and strategies for housing, infrastructure, and employment land up to 2040.   It also introduces policies to ensure the availability of affordable homes, reduce carbon emissions from development, and safeguard the district’s natural and historic environments.

A number of consultation events have been held around the district where people have been able to meet the team behind the proposals and find out more.

For those who haven’t yet had their say the consultation can be found here.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Fran Hughes   On   01/11/2023 at 2:13 pm

    Put in a decent North to South Road to ease traffic. The town of Banburyis one huge traffic jam and worsening. Public transport provision is at rock bottom. If you live in a village and you are disabled and don’t own a car you don’t exist.
    Housing affordability is way out of reach for many youngsters. The town centres are fast becoming a ghost areas. Stop building homes for the elderly and start building starter homes at real affordable prices for future generations. Not all young people want to live in HMOs at ridiculous high rents or want to continue living with their parents and vice versa. Stop developers making huge profits and stating they are providing affordable homes when they are not affordable at all to locals. There is very little high earning employment locally preventing many youngsters to get on the property ladder. Not all youngsters choose to have children. Not all young people want to live in flat, not all young people can live in a house but want to have a garden. Stop landlords owning multiple houses saying it’s for their pensions. They buy cheaper and lease at higher rents preventing those on Lowe incomes ever owning their own home. Local plans never really take into account of people’s disabilities. Make sure that as many locals have a bigger say in their own destiny’s instead of a few people sitting around a table making out of touch decisions. Start listening to people instead of acting on your own actions.

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