MPs say scrapping HS2 northern leg was the right decision


Both Andrea Leadsom and Victoria Prentis have previously voted against HS2

Our area’s MPs have given their opinions on the decision to scrap the second leg of HS2 between Birmingham and the north.   Both Andrea Leadsom and Victoria Prentis say its the right decision.

Neither of the Conservative MPs have supported the project and have either voted against it, or been absent, when votes on moving HS2 forward have taken place.

South Northants MP Dame Andrea is now calling for recompense for South Northamptonshire “after all the years of disruption and personal misery for many”.   Whilst the section of the line between London and Birmingham will still be completed she is campaigning for a stop on the route for those heading to Silverstone, to help alleviate local traffic when events are running.

She said: “I am so sorry for all the residents of South Northamptonshire who have been personally affected by the HS2 project over the last 10 years.

“I have personally never supported this project on the grounds of poor value for taxpayers’ money, so I am heartily pleased that the Prime Minister has decided to scrap the next leg of the project, preventing the waste of a further £36billion, and instead freeing it up for infrastructure projects in the Midlands and the North.”

Banbury MP Victoria Prentis feels the decision to cancel HS2 north of Birmingham will result in more investment for our region.

She said: “My own concerns about HS2 are long-standing and well-known. I have long felt that it is too costly of a project with an environmental impact too large. The Prime Minister has made the right decision to cancel the rest of the project.

“Every penny of the £36 billion saved by this decision will instead be invested into hundreds of transport projects in the North, Midlands and across the country. These rail and road upgrades will see more investment in our region than HS2 would ever have brought. We must make the most of the opportunity to secure funding for our own local infrastructure.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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