Oxfordshire tops national recycling table for a 10th year


57.2 per cent of waste was recycled, reused, or composted

For the 10th consecutive year the people of Oxfordshire have shown themselves to be the best in the country for recycling, reusing and composting.

Oxfordshire County Council has again been named the top performing county council waste disposal authority.   In 2022 to 2023, residents recycled, reused, or composted 57.2 per cent of their household waste, according to the latest government figures.

The total amount of household waste produced in Oxfordshire during the period was 278,857 tonnes.

The overall amount of non-recyclable waste produced by each household in the county dropped, leading to a reduction in the amount sent to landfill.

Councillor Pete Sudbury, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, said: “We want to say congratulations and thank you to our residents for all their hard work and commitment in making it 10 in a row. It is quite an achievement.

“We have successfully kept our waste per household down, and the biggest area for improvement would be food waste. A lot of that is still not being recycled. Wasting less food is good for our wallets and for the planet, and the food waste we do recycle is anaerobically digested, making methane to replace fossil gas to heat our homes and cook our food.

“In tough times, we can all remember the old adage ‘waste not, want not’. Waste less food, keep items in use for longer and reduce the amount of rubbish we produce – which benefits everyone financially and environmentally.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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