Real time information for Bretch Hill bus users


The displays are the first in a planned rollout

Bus users in Bretch Hill are some of the first in our area to benefit from real time bus service information at bus stops.

The recently installed screens form part of a wider £1.6m investment in the Real Time Information estate across Oxfordshire.   This has been made possible as a result of the County Council’s successful Bus Service Improvement Plan funding bid to central Government.

The stops in Bretch Hill are part of an initial tranche, with further sites identified in Banbury and elsewhere in the county, for implementation between now and March 2025.

The screens at the bus stops in Chepstow Gardens and at Bradley Arcade display real time details of when the next bus services are due.

Labour Councillor Mark Cherry, who represents the Banbury Ruscote ward at Oxfordshire County Council said: “I wanted to personally thank the Transport Team at Oxfordshire County Council, headed by Dave Harrison, and former bus strategy cabinet member Cllr Duncan Enright who is a Labour and Cooperative councillor who served on the Alliance.   I know a lot of work has been done to get this over the line.”

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Sandra Woodworth   On   20/11/2023 at 7:16 pm

    Bretch Hill buses seem to run every 10 mins so never a long wait. . Should have started with S4, 488, Stratford Bus and such like.

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