Southam Road Costa and Burger King get the go-ahead


Concerns in an earlier rejected application have been addressed

Plans to build new Burger King and Costa Coffee drive-through restaurants on the Southam Road in Banbury have been given the go ahead.

The application, submitted to Cherwell District Council by Fretwell Investment Ltd, says the building on the site, which is currently occupied by CAR Motor Services and a car wash company, will be demolished.

A similar application made last year was refused by the Council as it was felt to be too close to the road and out of scale.

The applicant addressed those issues in their revised plans.   An accompanying letter stated: “Following refusal of the application, the applicant has made amendments to layout moving the proposed Burger King building further back into the site and reducing its proposed height. Further analysis of the suitability of the vehicular access has been undertaken along with the suitability of the drive through lane.”

The revised plans

The site’s existing premises were originally built as a motor vehicle repair garage and car showroom.   Planning permission to use part of the premises for a car wash was granted in 2013.

Banbury currently has four Costa outlets, located in the Castle Quay Shopping Centre, on the Banbury Cross Retail Park, within Next at the Gateway retail park and at Ermont Way.   Currently there is no Burger King presence in town, with the outlet outside the shopping centre in the Market Place having closed a couple of years ago.

Banbury Town Council had objected to the application on the grounds that it would be to the detriment of the town centre.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Hayden   On   29/05/2024 at 11:24 am

    No mention of further traffic chaos, gridlock and tailbacks.
    Obviously those who granted this do not live in Banbury.

  2. Jacqui Broadbent   On   29/05/2024 at 4:14 pm

    The Council definitely need to look at fixing the traffic issues on the Southam Road before more traffic is added to the problem!!!
    I live on the Southam road and the traffic is a nightmare. For some reason the Warwick Road has been given priority at the junction next to the Three Pigeon’s pub. Twenty plus cars will get through the lights compared to a couple from the Southam Road!!!
    Also, vehicles coming from the Warwick Road regularly sit in the box junction and block the way for the cars waiting on the Southam Road.
    To get across the junction more quickly I drive in a circle – i turn onto Cope Road and join the Warwick Road, ending up at the same lights – which is ridiculous!!! But by doing this, I beat people across the lights who are still queueing to get across from the Southam Road. This, I would of thought, uses more petrol and causes more pollution. Why can’t this be fixed?
    The Council should start giving people fines for blocking the Box Junction. It would give them plenty of money to fix the pot holes.
    Also, why are all of the HS2 Lorries driving along the Southam Road and through the centre of Banbury everyday!!! They are destroying the roads and the vibrations are probably also damaging the buildings in town. The Council should make them use an alternate route, e.g. via Hennef Way and Concord Avenue and up Upper Windsor Street.

    • David Andrews   On   31/05/2024 at 10:56 am

      The C.A.R. garage service centre has long been appreciated for repairs servicing and MOT’s for the town and neighbouring villages, to demolished this site for a fast food outlet is pointless hundreds of people will miss this small, quick and easy book in service and I’m sure the adjacent wash facility
      I will add I have used this business for a good 35 years or more why destroy this !!!

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