“Speculative” Deddington planning application recommended for approval


The site is included in the village’s new draft Neighbourhood Plan, but that is yet to be agreed

A planning application for up to 53 houses on farmland to the north of Mackley Close in Deddington looks set to be approved, if Councillors agree with an officer recommendation when they meet later this week.

Pembury Webb Ltd has submitted the application for the site.   The land has been considered in the draft new Neighbourhood Plan for Deddington, but that is yet to be formally agreed and is currently out for public consultation.   Deddington Parish Council has objected to the application saying it is “speculative” and that current housing requirements for Deddington have already been met.

Access to the site would be via Wimborn Close off the Hempton Road.

Currently Cherwell District Council believes it has a five-year supply of land for housing – the government set target below which authorities lose much of their control as to where development can take place.   The Council also believes it has, or will soon have, exceeded the figure of 750 new homes that must be built in the villages.

However, in recommending the application be approved the report to Councillors notes “the housing strategy of the Local Plan in seeking to direct residential development to the most sustainable settlements in the District, which Deddington is considered to be a sustainable settlement”. 

A covering letter from the Mervyn Dobson of Pembury Webb Ltd seeks to justify the application.  

He said: “In the light of the neighbourhood plan, and more importantly, the local plan, I intend looking in slightly more detail at the five-year land supply…

“I appreciate that the County and District Council believe that they now have a five-year land supply, but this clearly depends on how one treats the Oxford unmet housing need. Whilst we would obviously be stupid to ignore a five-year land deficit (if it exists), but my simple point in relation to this site is that it is in a sustainable location and has extremely few objections to its development.”

The Planning Committee will consider the application when they meet this Thursday at 4pm.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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