Tour-de-trigs organisers call it a day


The challenging 50 mile endurance hike started back in 1964

Organisers of a popular local walking competition have decided to call it a day.   The Tour-de-Trigs hike first ran in 1964 but in recent years has faced the challenge of finding volunteers to help run the event, together with the fall-out from a global pandemic.

The last Tour-de-Trigs took place in 2019.   Plans for the 50 mile endurance hike’s return last year had seen entries at higher levels than for some recent years, but a lack of volunteers led to a decision to cancel.

It was hoped the situation could be resolved for this year’s event, over the weekend of 2-3rd December, but organisers have had to face the loss of a venue from where the hike could be based and the retirement of key staff.   Entry numbers were also down.

The Chairman of the Organising Committee, Ron Sangster, said: “After 50+ years of a very successful and enjoyable hiking event, the organising committee has had no option but to reluctantly close the Tour de Trigs.

“This is because of loss of a venue this year, retirement of key staff and reduced entry numbers.

“We thank all those volunteers for their past assistance and efforts, and to all those hikers who took part and achieved their goals and challenges.”

A refund will be sent to all those who had submitted entries for this year’s hike.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

Reader's opinions
  1. Ricky Walden   On   17/11/2023 at 4:00 pm

    Such a shame. I volunteered to run a checkpoint with three other people and know of three other people that volunteered to help, but they were never contacted to help. You can’t claim there’s a lack of volunteers if you don’t chase up the emails from people willing to give their free time.

    It could afford to be stopped for Covid, but people came to assume it wasn’t running anymore in subsequent years so the number of applications would have naturally dropped.

    Such a loss. I remember walking one year and encountering a man eating a whole Battenberg cake like a snickers bar in a village hall god knows where!

    Maybe one day it might be back!

  2. Steve Woolliams   On   12/02/2024 at 8:01 am

    Very sad to hear this. It was a tremendous physical as well as psychological challenge. Our team succeeded on our third attempt – we were the last intact team in and made it with 9 minutes to spare!
    Hats off to all the organisers and volunteers over the years.

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