Twinning refresh will bring opportunities for Banbury people, businesses and organisations


Town Mayor Councillor Mark Cherry and John Donaldson

The town’s twinning journey began 44 years ago

Banbury and District Twinning Association is getting a refresh for 2024 and is looking to hear from individuals, businesses, sports clubs and organisations who would like to take advantage of Banbury’s special relationship with Ermont in France and Hennef in Germany.

Banbury’s journey to becoming a twinned town began in 1978.   The mayor at the time, Councillor Ron Smith, led a committee which reached out to towns in France, with reciprocal visits made between Banbury and Ermont.  

At the same time the search to find a twin town in Germany was underway, with an agreement signed with Hennef in 1981.   A similar agreement was signed with Ermont early in 1982.

Former Town Mayor John Donaldson has now taken on the role as Chairman of Banbury Twinning Association and current Mayor Councillor Mark Cherry is the organisation’s new President.

The Association is eager to expand its program of exchanges and events, fostering cultural connections and understanding for all parts of our community.

Mr Donaldson said: “There are lots of things that we want to be doing around the areas of sports, young people and cultural. These are important for Banbury.

“We’re looking for anything from businesses to get involved for commercial interaction, to sports clubs and the local community – we have quite a diverse community now – and even wine clubs!

“It’s nice to be able to connect these with our twin towns”.

Anyone who wants to get involved, or find out more, can email

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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