Walk a Marathon in a Month in June for Banbury dementia charity


Dementia Active runs activity sessions for people living with dementia

A Banbury Charity which provides support for people living with dementia is encouraging us to join them and Walk a Marathon in a Month through June.

Dementia Active is based at Manor Park off the Wildmere Industrial Estate.   They run activity sessions for people living with dementia.   This enables carers respite time, knowing that their loved one is being looked after in a safe and caring environment.

The Walk a Marathon in a Month 26.2 mile challenge will not only raise money for charity’s work, but also raise awareness of the work they do.

People can accumulate miles towards their total by walking or running the distance on a  number of occasions through June, but are being encouraged to join others for the final ten miles, which will be completed together following the Banbury Fringe Walk route.   That will happen on Sunday June 30, starting from Banbury Rugby Club, and will be followed by a celebration of the challenge being completed.

Dementia Active is charging a £10 registration fee and asking people to raise money through sponsorship.  Everyone taking part will receive a T-shirt.

Gail Seward is from the charity and has first-hand experience of the lifeline the charity offers local people.   She said: “I have looked after somebody with dementia.   To have that connection with others that understand what’s going on, to share that with, and for somebody to look after your loved one as well as you would do at home yourself, is a godsend.

“For me it was a lifeline.   They can come for one session and see how they get on.   They can come with their loved one and see how we work.   We offer a three-course lunch where everybody sits down and interacts with each other.   It’s a very safe and friendly space.”

Anyone interesting in joining in with Walk A Marathon in a Month challenge can register here.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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