Wind and more rain expected on already sodden ground


A flood alert and weather warnings are in place

Poor weather is affecting the Banbury FM area with a Met Office warning for wind upgraded to amber status and a yellow warning for rain still in force.   Today’s rain is falling on already sodden ground with flooding affecting low lying areas around the River Cherwell and its tributaries.

The Environment Agency has a flood alert in place for the river from Charwelton to just above Upper Heyford.   They say that whilst property flooding isn’t currently expected land and roads close to the river could be affected.

In Banbury the River Cherwell has already burst its banks with water in the car park underneath the Lidl supermarket.   With much of Spiceball Park under water the New Year’s Day Parkrun had to be cancelled.   Banbury United’s pitch at Station Approach is once again flooded.

The riverside path is submerged. pic: Banburyshire360/David Feeley
Spiceball Park
Banbury United and the sodden fields on the southern side of town. pic: Banburyshire360/David Feeley

Elsewhere the fields around Kings Sutton and Clifton are also submerged.

The advice from the Environment Agency is to avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.

Meanwhile the Met Office says that Storm Henk will bring a spell of very strong winds through today which could cause disruption to travel and a good chance that power cuts may occur.  Some damage to buildings is also possible, such as tiles blown from roofs.

More images of the extent of the folloding from Banburyshire360/David Feeley.

Published: by Banbury FM Newsteam

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